داستان آبیدیک

متهم ساختن ـ متهم کردن

~ sâxtan, ~ kardan


1 Law:: vt accuse (four people were accused of assaultf ● bring an accusation against; charge with sth / as being sth : to make an assertion against especially by ascribing guilt or blame (charges him with armed robberyc (they were charged as being instigatorsh ● indict for : (1) : to charge with a fault or offense : criticize, accuse (2) : to charge with a crime by the finding or presentment of a jury (as a grand jury) in due form of law ● arraign for or on : (1) : to call (a defendant) before a court to answer to an indictment : charge (2) : to accuse of wrong, inadequacy, or imperfection (arraign on a charge of thefta ● prefer charges against for ● impeach for : a : to bring an accusation against b : to charge with a crime or misdemeanor; specifically : to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misconduct in office ● incriminate : to charge with or show evidence or proof of involvement in a crime or fault (no witnesses to last night’s shooting have incriminated Mr. Jackson – OAWTO ● implicate (not a technical word) : a : to bring into intimate or incriminating connection (evidence that implicates him in the bombinge b : to involve in the nature or operation of something ● tax s.o. with : charge, accuse ( taxed him with neglect of (his) dutyd ● denounce : (1) : to pronounce especially publicly to be blameworthy or evil (they denounced him as a bigott (2) : to inform against : accuse ● inform (against / on) : to give information (as of another's wrongdoing) to an authority (informed on a member of his own gangb Non-technical terms : frame; set up; stick/pin the blame on; rat on; blame for; lay / pin the blame on for; hold responsible for; inculpate for; hold accountable for; condemn for; criticize for; denounce for – informal point the finger at for

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